World Class Training & Assessment
Track and Sign Evaluation
This is a two-day practical field test that emphasise open, honest dialogue and real learning. The tracks and sign of any and all species encountered in the field may be asked, whether big or small, clear or obscure. After participants give their answers, a dialogue ensues between the evaluator and participants to provide the opportunity for everyone involved to learn and for each of us to internalize the field marks used for identification.
Tracker Certifications emphasize practical tracking and the development of reliable field skills, and are unassociated with any particular philosophy or tracking school. No prior training is required to participate.
With this in mind these evaluations are easily, if not more, educational than a workshop with an added benefit that you may also have your knowlege recognised if scoring a minimum of 69%.
Tracker Certifications emphasise practical tracking and the development of reliable field skills, and are not associated with any particular philosophy or tracking school. No prior training is required to participate.
Track & Sign Evaluation Events
Upcoming CyberTracker evaluations across Europe